If you like more $0 Deals, KosherKouponz is giving away free GC's today, for the next 20 minutes they are giving 5 free ones to Chai KO Tapas, and soon there will be more.
Here is the list of Kouponz they will be giving out.
1. $25 to Chai Ko Tapas - (Now)
2. Framed Oil Paintings (over a $300 value, each) from JewishPaintings.net
3. $20 IDT Asimon cards
4. $25 Milk 'n Honey
5. $50 Best Glatt Teaneck
6. $25 Estihana
7. $25 Benny's Grill
8. $25 Five Towns Judaica
9. $25 MyBibiBaby.com
10. $25 etc. Steakhouse
11. $25 Shalom Bombay Teaneck
Good luck on winning!