What are monthly bill credits and how do I earn them?Also is there a T-Mobile master thread?
I bought it in tbe store and paod the $20 How do I get the credit on my bill
Monthly bill credits just means instead of not charging for the line they charge you and then reimburse the cost through a monthly bill credit.
So they credit both for the line and the tablet?
U have to pay for taxes on device & the line which is $3-$4 a month. So if you wanna get this cuz it's free--it's not you're paying about $75 over 2 years. Just pointing out
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what happens when you want to cancel this plan(the free lines?)
No the tablet is free just need to pay for the taxes.
U sure?The tablet is supposed to be free AFTER bill credits, so if you decide to cancel, you are left with the bill for the tablet as well.
If you didn't get a free device nothing. If you got a free device the way it is paid off is over 24 months you are charged & credited back every month so when you cancel you are charged the remainder of the cost of the device
Correct I'll take the liberty to say that he meant this:
That's not what I meant but I may very well be wrong. Either way I dont intend on canceling a plan that I'm paying 3 a month for so essentially there's no diffrence between the 2 for me.
Regardless it is true so this isn't free rather as you said $3-$4 a month for a data plan & tablet
Yup but well worth it.
If you have a use for it. I was gonna do 2 just because it's so cheap but I decided one that I don't need is enough
To confirm, only once i have 2 lines I can add 2 more for $3 each and get a free tablet ?
yes. Line will probably be closer to $5/month and you need to pay taxes on the Tablet upfront (on $240).Still a great deal for 2 tablets with 6gb data for upfront taxes and $10 a month.