What about the 100k MR and 50% rebate? Those are worth a lot more than a few hundred dollars.
The 50% rebate isn't all that great because I have no clue what airline I'm going to fly. Having to pre-pick the airline really hurts the value.
Obviously, the 100k MR is nice. However, I have a lot of points now. Not a lot by the standards here but a lot for me. Between Chase and Amex I'll have about 1 million points, between my wife and I. I don't have that many places to use them right now. I think we're going to have a family trip to Israel in 2.5 years and we might have a trip next January to Hawaii. But that's really all I have planned for the next few years. I also have 50k+ United, AA, Jetblue and Delta miles. There starts to get diminishing returns on points as you compile them without using too much. At this point I'd rather not pay for points. I'll still try and get them but I'm sticking to either fee free cards (first year waived fee) or near free cards like the CSR.