So signed up for this 1 week+ ago. I did a move address from my old house to where I currently live. I moved 2 1/2 years ago, and did do a change address back then, which lasts for one year. I know every once in a while mail still does go there, so I figured it would be nice to have another year of redirection.After 4 "undeliverable package due to wrong address" emails from amazon, I realized that since I did the change address, I have not received any usps mail or packages at all.I did contact amazon to let them know my address is valid, but im waiting till usps reopens tomorrow to find out whats going on.Anyone else experience anything similar?
Is this still working ?
Need your LG Exalt fixed? Cracked in half? Water damage? Or parts to repair yourself. 347.201.2501
Should be, in worst case scenario it's a $1 lost,just did a move last week and things went well and received the amazon coupon. RBHAYT
I am having the same problem. Did you speak to the post office and figure out what happened?
Is this dead? Dont want to waste $1, lol
Are you able to apply more than 1 code to an account?Meaning after i finished the 1k spend, is it possible to apply a new one?
Just did another bc I finished my 15%, got 10%, will apply it now, 3rd for same account
how did u do it? the code wasnt adding to my account?
It didn't mess up your current mail or you used bogus addresses? After I did it my current valid mail was messed up for a few days and it freaked me out a bit
I'm sending stuff from a real, old address to my current address. It could only be a good thing.