Worth booking Emirates/Aegean (through Emirates) if the best price is only available on tight layovers in ATH (1.5H TLV-EWR, 40 min EWR-TLV) - with the whole family? The way in, I understand Emirates only flies once, so rebook would be next day - unless they have someone else to put you on? And the way back, would Aegean put us on the next flight?
Assuming, of course, that Aegean is flying then. 
I wouldn't consider except: 1) Emirates and 2) My mother prefers EWR over JFK but everything else EWR is already not affordable. And before you ask, same goes for El Al.
Airlines do not usually sell connections that they don't think that they will make.
Not familliar with ATH, but 1:30 is reasonable in most airports I've been to. (:40 is tightish but see the previous line...)
Pretty sure that if they miss the connection they need to take care of you, including hotel for the night if they can't put you on a sooner flight.
Unless you are running into shabbos issues, don't see a problem with the itinerary...
(And if they miss the connection... you get into the IL or EU compensation laws... - which will pay for your entire ticket plus shopping
