I called, and they said I could not get it.I hung up, called back, and they gave me 50.Then, the first person called me back. I just hung up on her. She called another two times, which I ignored.HMMM
I guess I'll try calling but I'm not really sure what to say and argue... I'm sure they'll start off saying no. They clearly know what we're doing.
I wouldnt worry about it assuming its in your account already
Has anyone tried calling for a CANCELLED card?
Got the +50K bonus on my canceled AMEX Plat via SM to MR point balance!!!
Read the thread....
In general, it might be good to be clear you are asking your question to be in opposition to something someone else has done. For example: "Has anyone tried calling for a cancelled card, as opposed to via SM?" That way it is crystal clear what you mean.I apologize for apparently misreading your post.
Or perhaps just take the extra second to make sure that what im asking is indeed a new question. I dont blame you. You clearly read it fast and thought i didnt read the thread and was acting like a noob. I have been posting in, and flowing this thread for days.When you scrolled all the way up to find that post to quote, you missed that i quoted and responded to the post 6 minutes later.All good
K lets make a new thread so you guys can fight it out
Just be a little clearer and no one will have to work so hard at understanding each other. Thanks.
It is in my account already. I'm just afraid its going to be Michelle from Amex, every time I hear a helicopter over my house at night.
See, that's what I said. He was just trying to understand.If you don't stop fighting, I'm going to sic Michelle from Amex on you. She's stalking me.
Do you live in Pakistan? Youre probably safe in Chicago from Michelle. Its Mr. Pick who I randomly day dream about. I envision him sitting in some slimy drive through diner off some random highway in middle of Nowheresville USA, cup of coffee in hand, signing rejection letter after rejection letter with smug satisfaction
Welcome to the forums, henche. Another chicagoan, huh? We almost have enough for a ORD DD DO