Off to Hawaii!After my wife and I discussed what we needed to bring with us on our trip, my wife made the executive decision to make this a "Carry-On Only" trip. I wont lie, I was a bit nervous as well as excited at the idea of traveling so light on a 10 day trip. The only thing that needed checking-in was the Freezer Bag with food on the way there. [Big Thanks to Meir613 on the assist. I still need to drop it back off.

We decided to go with two places for our food. The first place was
"Traditions Eatery" which was suggested to me by "ah" and the other place was
"Chosen" which we picked out of curiosity and wanting to see how their travel meals compared to their in house meals.
[Disclaimer: We ordered way too much and ended up leaving 4 meals and several containers of white rice in the fridge. It's ok and we learnt our lesson. You never know until you order which meals are basically generous enough for two vs which aren't. What I can say however is that Traditions was excellent. I will elaborate during my TR but would go with them any day. Chosen - if you like Chinese - was also very good albeit them having to learn how to pack their meals a bit better.
]All packed up with our Freezer bag, 2 backpacks and 2 carry-ons we got into our Uber Sunday morning to arrive at the airport just a few minutes later. (thank you Uber for the $20's off)
Sky Priority Check-In @JFK T4
Being booked into Revenue J space on DL and continuing on via Island Air on a UA redemption, I was very happy when after asking about Interlining my bag the Rep put on a smile and said "No problem. You'll get all your stuff in Kauai." Making the obvious choice I told him to please add my AS FFN to the reservation and off we were.
Pit-Stop at the Sky Club Lounge. Thank G-d I had my Amex Platinum with me. Hadn't thought about the fact that flights - even in J - within the US don't get automatic access.
Business on Delta's 767-300ER 
We were in seats 2B and 2C and were very happy with the hard product. Especially the Westin bedding was wonderful. Soft product was not as good though. They didn't come to check on us frequently at all. At least twice during the flight did they ask if we wanted anything. We would ask for some drinks that would never arrive. Their Kosher meals were also expired for which they apologized and offered compensation. In the end of the day it was fine and this is complaining on a high level.
Island Air Counter from which they take you out onto the Tarmac in order to walk you to your actual gate 
Once we landed, we did what any other person coming from the East Coast would do, take off our sweaters and buy ourselves some ice cream. Having accomplished that, we walked around a bit and just tried figuring out why they don't put any work into HNL Airport. It is so big and we loved the indoor-outdoor parts and yet it is so old and run-down.
We then made our way over to Island Air for our flight to Lihue.
Time to board!
Showing off her better side
Finally made it!
A quick 35 minute hop later, we had finally made it. It was around 8 pm now and we were beyond zonked out. We got our luggage pretty fast just to discover that one single meal somehow opened up during the flight and was now all over my bag.

No worries, my wife was a trooper and quickly cleaned it and got us back on our way. It was now time to get our car, head over to the hotel,
discuss our room situation for a good hour and finally go to sleep.
As mentioned we went with a Mustang Convertible which I just loved.
Me (On the far right; NOT the other Jews to the left) and my favorite employee at the GHK shmoozing away for a good hour before we got our room situation fully sorted.
After all was set and done we finally had everything configured as I had intended and planned for. And some.
First 2 nights Garden Suite then, 2x Ocean View Suite, 2x Presidential Suite, 1x best Garden Suite, 1x Deluxe Suite.
I know what y'all think, who would want so much moving around but both of us did not mind one bit. We were busy during the days anyways and wouldn't be around for the move itself. We would simply make sure our stuff was packed and ready at the front of our rooms (which was easy as we traveled light) and the bellhop would take care of everything else. We would simply return to the hotel when we were done with our activities and just ask the front desk which room we were heading to. I personally loved it and was happy as I got to try all the different types of rooms and areas of the hotel. Just for giggles, that night I took screenshots of what the rooms were going for during those days.
Noooot baaad.

Room #1 was 1026 and I very much enjoyed the layout of it.

The manager of the resort was wonderful and left me a very nice note including a nice plush turtle - which my son loves - and some ice cold Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider. We then called the food services manager as well to pick up and store all of our food and finally were able to shower and collapse into bed. Finally! At 11:30pm! Get some nice and long shuteye! NOT! We awoke the next morning at 4:45am.
But that's for the next segment..