The more they proclaim to the world that they are orthodox and the more they post things that are against the very basis of orthodoxy the more the OU article about not being our business is proven wrong.
I had many non-religious friends on Facebook posting how even in orthodox Judaism heterim have a price, and how it's the same as any other religion where the rich can do what they like... I always felt frumkeit was special that even the rich don't get to go against torah, and here I am reading on FB how the most public orthodox couple are doing just the opposite.
Haven't got such comments at my hedge fund. We have plenty of frum (very rich) folks and the population understands that for whatever reason Jared+Ivanka are the exception not the rule.
In either case, the title is x
100 more provocative than the simple point you want him to convey. Don't be fooled by their supposed claim to be orthodox.
Not worth getting under JK's skin. Next time Dan pm's him to have DoT reinstate Emirates tickets, he may not be so helpful
