The worst are the people who call priority club execs to complain that they didn't get a night!
I am not complaining that I didn't get a night, rather that there are those out there who for their own personal $$ gain will book up all the availabilty unfairly. if it was booked legally than you have nothing to fear. if it was booked unfairly and disgustingly at the expense of "the rest of us" than yes it should be dealt with.
These type of are usually the ones who ruin things...
Ruin what?!?!?! oh you mean for "EVERYBODY" i.e the few deceitful "travel agents". Actually it's good for the rest of the 99% of us who the PB is really intended for.
Maybe call all airlines to tell them about the abuse of their points,
What abuse of their points? do unscrupluos deceitful people book up all award availability available so that they can resell it for money to those that it was originally intended for?!?!?!.
how about credit card companies I'm sure they'd like to know about your churning!!
First off, i have never churned any credit cards (so far).
Second, contrary to your incorrect assertion, it's a wrong allegory. 1. Credit card company's know that people churn and they are for the most part fine with it except for chase. 2. the ones that churn are not taking away from anyone else.
A correct allegory would be something like if amex only offered 50 credit cards with bonus points and one despicable indivisual takes them all to resell to those who it was originaly intended.
Or for example if macy's makes a sale of 50 suits 80% off to frequent shoppers and some ShAM from get's in through the back door first and buys them all out to sell for a large profit to those waiting by the front entrance.