While reserving absolute judgment on this ban while waiting to see what comes next, I would like to make a couple of points. Firstly, I dont understand why this is such a major surprise (or at least the media make it out to be so) if Trump explicitly promised and campaigned about doing this. Which brings me to my second point. We have become so accustomed to politicians making empty promises, we are now shocked when they actually do what they said they would. And while we need to wait and see what form the overall immigration policy will take under the Trump administration (after all, this is a temporary action hopefully to give a chance to figure out how to fix what is clearly a broken immigration system vis a vis Muslim radicals getting in either as refugees or visitors or even green card holders), one thing that is definitely refreshing is having a President who actually hits the ground running and is getting right to work on implementing the agenda that clearly Americans voted for in electing him.