Crazy people these Democrats, If something didn't go the way you like then punch it in the face?
Why did we have elections, if the outcome doesn't interest you? Isn't that a one sided election, where you always need to win?
Do you remember any ortsets and boycotts when obama took office?
These crazy Dems are willing to sacrifice their country just to show their point. For example Pres. Trump wants us to have a good economy, so he took the best business people to discuss the economy & to advise him on economical strategies. But no the Dems just boycotts the companies belonging to the board members, so the board members resign. So Trump will have to go to the next level of business people, who are great
Great, but the first choice would've been even greater. next step is probably to boycott the new choices, till the president won't have a choice but take for advisors people without companies, & that will be a terrible choice Becuase the reason these people don't have huge companies, is mostly Becuase the people of the first choice that have huge companies, know better then them. So in the end the president will make decisions based on the advice of the low level advisors, & that advice may not be the best, & then you silly Democrat will have what to say "that Trump drowned the economy".
Have you ever thought of giving the president a chance? He's your president for the next 4 years, FACE IT! so you might as well give him a chance.