No, he doesn't mean cash. Actually he says to put it in a CD or any other relatively accessible interest earning account.
My real question is this, Ubhakdim: I did as he says and I will soon have the 10,000 dollars; however I don't know what to do with it.
Savings these days give back only 0.25 percent (and that is only on +10,000 dollars),
CD's give back about 0.90 percent if you leave it in for 9 months.
Even if I leave it in for the 5 years, earning me the highest interest level, it is still only 2.25. With such a interest level, it can hardly be worth it: if i have an emergency on the last day of the forth year, the penalties might be more than all of what I accumulated!
Ubchan, Dan: any suggestions what to do with it?