DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer so will not attempt to engage you in a well written TR. Instead I will provide some of the highlights of my trip so you can use them when planning your own Maui trip. (I’ll also try to wow you with some pictures and videos)
This whole idea started last year when I was in HNL for Shabbos and sat near a fellow dentite who was heading to Maui for a dental conference. I thought that was genius: combining a business expense with a beautiful location. As soon as I got home, I googled “dental conference Hawaii” and saw that this company offers courses every year.
The next stage came when my favorite travel agent, AH, mentioned that there was a really good deal on delta flights in business JFK-HNL. Since this was going to be a “business trip,” I decided that it’s worth going with a revenue ticket (ie tax write-off) and getting the exact dates I needed. Of course my “office manager” (read: DW) needed to be at the conference as well. This was all about 8 months ago. Talk about advanced planning.
FLIGHT: DL JFK-HNL J revenue. HNL-OGG on HA booked with UA
Flying with someone, take the middle seats. You actually feel like you’re sitting next to them, no big divider. Flying alone, take the window.
DL had no problem checking bag through to OGG even though it was on HA booked with UA. You do need at least a 90 minute stopover for the computer to allow it though.
CAR: Hertz using points I bought a long time ago. Went with an SUV and got a Ford Explorer.
HOTEL: Hyatt Regency using points. Was 27k a night.
This is where conference was so it was the most convenient for me
Got upgraded to an ocean view suite. Was in the tower right by regency club so that was nice. Only issue was that it overlooked the luau so we had to deal with the noise until 9 each night.
FOOD: Brought frozen meals from home and bought a toaster in Walmart. Also bought a case of bottled water because hotel doesn’t provide any.
Looooooong flight. I would consider stopping in LA for a few days next time. Ate airline food; served meat at 11:00am. Was ok
Eventually landed in OGG. Took shuttle to hertz- no hiccups. Drove to Walmart to pick up toaster and water
Got to hotel and hondled a little to get upgrade and eventually got it.
Ate cold dinner we brought from NY
First day of conference so I actually had to go. Was rainy and windy day anyway.
Went to aquarium. Was ok, not great. (Atlanta aquarium blows it away).
Walked down Front Street. Banyan tree is very cool. All the stores are basically the same. Lots of timeshare selling people, very pushy.
Woke up early for sunrise on Haleakala. POURING RAIN! Left early. Beautiful weather on the bottom of the mountain. Go figure. I would check
http://www.prh.noaa.gov/ next time. Not completely accurate but the best there is
Went back to hotel for conference. Boring lecture so I left early. Hung out by the beach and pool.
Whale watching with
http://www.hawaiioceanproject.com/ Same size boat as PWF but half the crowd. Whales EVERYWHERE. We saw tail flapping, groups of competing males, and dozens of breaches!
Back to the hotel for dinner.
Our RTH day. Left hotel about 7:30. We really just followed along with the book and stopped at whatever sounded interesting
Twin Falls first stop. Good place to swim under a waterfall if you want; we didn’t. Bought a massive coconut to drink out of
Forgot about rainbow eucalyptus
Lot’s of pretty waterfalls to try out my a6000
Got to Sacred Pools about 1.5 hours before sunset. Pools were closed because of rock slide. Didn’t feel comfortable hiking to bamboo forest
Took south loop home. Awesome Views and great sunset!
Sunrise at Haleakala take 2. TOTALLY WORTH IT!
DW hung out at spa while I went to part of lecture
Hung out by pool and beach
Warren and Annabelle at night. Best magic/comedy show I have ever seen!
Flight to HNL on Island air booked with UA. If you can, try to fly HA instead.
Our carryon was weighed and they made s check it for another $35.
Don’t participate in TSA Precheck so had to wait on regular line
Propellor plane smells like you’re driving behind an old truck the entire flight
Juice drink is only 5% juice vs 12% on HA!!!!
Booked Hilton revenue. Cheaper than buying weekend certs. Totally shabbos friendly stairwell. Only issue we had was that when we taped door, it kept opening so I did the “tie-a-gartel-to-the-door-handle” trick. Only 10 minute walk from Chabad.
Nice relaxing shabbos with chabad. Good food, good company.
Hanauma Bay snorkeling. Went through hotel concierge. $25 for transportation and rental.
Flight home