www.hotelsnearshuls.comwww.shabbosgetaways.blogspot.comwww.reservekosher.com/listing-great,-kosher-hotel-in-piscataway,-nj-1488.htmlwww.godaven.comHalachic infohttp://www.star-k.org/articles/kashrus-kurrents/501/the-travelers-halachic-guide-to-hotels/www.yutorah.org/togo/sukkot/articles/sukkot_to-go_-_5770_rabbi_flug.pdfwww.crcweb.org/ask_rav/shabbosinhotel.phpDan's AC sensor override (VIP mode) instructions Most hotels in Hawaii have an Inncom thermostat.
To enter VIP mode:
-While you are holding "display"
- Press "off", then
- Press "Up" arrow
-Then release "display"
You still can't open/close the balcony, (It still displays if the balcony is open or closed, but it lets the AC run while the balcony is open.)
but the AC will run if you leave it open and you won't be trapped in your room. Plus you can also set the AC to lower temps in VIP mode.
Ideas to enter hotel rooms with electronic locks-Many like to just tape down the latch hole to ensure easy access (simplest way is to tape the key card over the hole)
-some will just stuff the hole with tissues (you run the risk of it slipping out)
-on cruises, and some hotels, you can use one of those thin refrigerator magnets, put it on the door jamb to cover the hole where the door latch goes.
-others rely on the poskim who allow you to ask a goy (see above)
-exterior portable lock
http://www.thexlock.com/and then there's the best one yet
Haven't tried it at a hotel but on a cruise I tied a gartel to the inside door handle and left a little sticking out the bottom of the door. I just had to pull the gartel and the door opened.
Packing List challah (4x) paper plates large mixing bowl
wine/grape juice (3x) paper cups plastic disposable containers
Plastic silver kiddush cup silver pasticware BAGGIES, 3 sizes, tons
neirois (Fri night + Motzei shabbos-2x) tablecloth (or white towels) Israeli small/large baggies
matches white napkins tape
empty cans (upside down) as safe holders shnaps plastic cups rope
besomim (cinnamon/cloves) shnaps bottle timer(s)
havdollah ner (or 2 shabbos ones) negel vasser cup 3prong-to-2prong plug adapters (for timers)
bentchers/zmirois sharp pareve knife shabbos tissues
siddurs cutting mat
tinfoil sharp fleishig knife