TransportationManila to El Nido, El Nido to TayTay, and then TayTay to NoaNoa Island.
For a more detailed report on Manila to El Nido check out Benjahman's El Nido Trip Report[/URL]

NAIA Private Terminal

I'm going to skip over some of the Manila - El Nido trip.
The flights are now departing out of terminal 4 and not the private hanger.
The indoor part of the lounge was for people flying on the next flight.
There was another indoor lounge for people going to Pangulasian Island Resort.
Inside there were small sandwiches, finger food, and a small selection of beverages.

ATR 42 - 500

Pretty cool greeting upon arrival

Arrivals lounge

We booked a private van through the island to pick us up at the airport.
The price was 2,500 php ($53). This was one of the only negative experiences. That price would typically get you 8 hours in El Nido.
This was a 45-60 minute trip.
Going back we paid $7 a person through daytripperpalawan in a very nice (and large) shared van.

I would say that 90% of the road is now paved.
Notice that the map says 1h 20 minutes. We got there in 45 min.
It really was the start of an adventure.
That drive was nuts!

If you have time you should take a quick tour of TayTay.
We stopped at Casa Rosa. Which has the same owners as NoaNoa.
Beautiful view from the hotel.

While taking in the view, we were offered complimentary drinks and a snack.
We've since been told Casa Rosa has the best food in town.
They also have island hopping tours. If we were in Palawan for more than 2 weeks we would have looked into it.

After our snack we were taken down the hill to the dock.

You want go fast? You want go slow? The guys on the boat asked with a smile.
We said, fast! They then handed us some large ponchos.
I guess we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into.

We were covered in salt water and having a blast!
We would see a series of 3 ft waves approaching and shoot over them.
Then after crashing down... the guys driving the boat would chuckle..
It was awesome! Our bags were in the back and safe from the water.

45 minutes later we finally made it!
We saw Andy (the owner of the island) waving with a smile.