It wasn't a promo code. when i went to the store they said btw its 20 dollars off today.
Tried the 790cc and it really is amazing, so I ordered one friday from amazon for $201 Total.
it's 209$ now, how'd u get for 201$
Yes nj no tax baby
We should start a NJ address gemach.
i dont know what you guys are getting all excited about. i bought the 790cc in march 2009 for $185 and im just ok with it, i dont think its anything spectacular
Don't forget . I mail them my shaver heads straight from amazon and they do it for me- amazing service.
guess you live the life of Riley and richness, must be the aa gcs
What does that mean they do it for you? Star k Says the shaver is Kosher without doing anything.
Please send me a source for the STar-K's ruling. A gret deal of poskim forbid lift and cut shavers unless the lifts are taken out.KosherShaver will take out the lifts for you.Many poskim forbid shavers all together. See: