I ordered the TINECO iFLOOR 2, Cordless, Wet/Dry Vacuum Cleaner, Blue that I don't need. I'll cancel, but does someone want it?https://www.walmart.com/ip/Tineco-iFloor-2-Max-Cordless-Floor-Washer-Limited-Blue/3337462994?clickid=SM1XxNWRGxyKTVDVagUM%3Ay2UUkCVnwW7U0eM0I0&irgwc=1&sourceid=imp_SM1XxNWRGxyKTVDVagUM%3Ay2UUkCVnwW7U0eM0I0&veh=aff&wmlspartner=imp_10078&affiliates_ad_id=612734&campaign_id=9383&sharedid=dansdeals.com$50 TINECO iFLOOR 2$10 3 year protection plan ( I think this can be cancelled even if we keep the vacuum)$ 5.33 tax________$65.33 Or $10 less without the protection plan
https://www.dansdeals.com/shopping-deals/price-mistake-4-samsung-jet-60-rose-gold-pet-cordless-stick-vacuum-for-just-79-96-after-1240-price-drop/I have 4 available for pickup in monsey area (best buy west nyack). If you want to pick up let me know. Take at cost price.
I would like to purchase one if still available. I can be in Monsey on Sunday. Pls. advise. TIA