theres something called a mumar in my language whether you like it or not. Also there's no way in the world I'm ever learning chasidus. This being a classic example of twisting things the wrong way which end up contradicting chazal but hey it doesn't matter because it's chassidus
Just catching up and came across this. I do feel that this post is somewhat degrading a part of Torah that Gedolim bigger than me and you in previous generations endorsed and I wouldn't start up with such things but that's your choice.
I haven't read the article that ExGingi posted a link to nor have I noticed a response from you but I'll just leave you with a question.
Is a Mumar, a bad Jew or is he a good Jew, a son of G-D, a son of Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov who has a holy Neshama who has unfortunately done bad things?
Just to set the record, Chassidus doesn't and can't contradict Chazal for a number of reasons, so if you seem to have come across such an instance, either you haven't understood the Chassidus or you haven't understood the Ma'amar Chazal.