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1)   What is a Financial Review?
In short - American Express occasionally freezes the credit card accounts of individuals with high-risk patterns, or for new account holders.
They request a lot of personal information, such as IRS tax returns, bank statements, letters from Banks ect…

Let’s break it down into 2 different types of Financial Reviews
A)   Mini Financial Review
B)   Financial Review

A)   Mini Financial Review

(please fill in info) This form of financial review, is usually a short process, it could be as short as one phone call. American Express might feel a need to verify your finances for whatever reason, and they could call you to verify information. Your accounts could be suspended from using until you get in touch with them, typically they will restore your accounts after a simple phone call.

B)   Financial Review
This type of Financial Review is very common. It often happens when opening a new account for the first time, usually if you are opening a Charge Card, or a Business Card or if on a new account you start off will a lot of high spending.
American Express will suspend your account/s, they will not remove the suspension until the review is over, which takes around 2 weeks.

If you cannot provide the required information, shut down your account right away.

2)   Triggers

Look below for a list of triggers and links.
3)   What will happen?
Your accounts will get suspended. You will be able to log in online, and see account activity, but you will get a message that charging is suspended.

They will contact you via phone and email. Once you get in touch with them, (typically) you will be assigned a specific representative to work on your case.

The will require mainly IRS Tax returns. The point of a Financial Review is to verify your income. They may also require Back statements, a letter from a Bank to verify your address, and other documents. People have reported that they did survive a Financial Review with just bank statements.

As long as you could provide the documents they request you will be fine, they might lower your credit lines, but you should be able keep your account open. Even as low as a $6000 tax return people have been able to survive a Financial Review.

In cases of a Financial Review after opening a Business Card, you will need proof of Business income.

If you cannot provide the required information, shut down your account right away.

As long as you could provide the documents they request you will be fine, they might lower your credit lines, but you should be able keep your account open. Even as low as a $6000 tax return people have been able to survive a Financial Review.

4)   What Steps Should I take?

Get in touch with Amex as soon as you could. Send in the request inform promptly. You will have a rep that will be working with you, and telling you what documents are needed. 4506-t is a transcript request from the IRS for you last tax return. You will need to fill out this form, fax it to Amex, it will take them 24-48 hours until they receive this form, they will request the tax return from the IRS that could take about a week.

Important: you only have 2 attempts to send them the fax, if they reject it after 2 attempts you will get shut down. You don't get more than 2 attempts. (source)
You may be able to get 3 attempts if you ask for a manager.

You need to be on top of it, if you don’t follow thru, they could shut your accounts down.

5)   What to do if American Express closed your accounts?

Once American Express closes your accounts, the only way to get back on is if you have the required information needed to pass a Financial Review. They will require you to request a 4506 form from the IRS (which will cost you $57) before they even approve any of your future applications.

To start you may want to read up here:

F/R triggers:

Credit line of $25k or more

Family member receiving FR can cause other family members to get Fr'ed as well

Living at same address as someone who was FR'ed

Using majority of CL

Large cash advance


Changing name on business card

Mint purchases

Amex Gift Card Purchases

Unusual spending

Amazon payments (possibly)

Using close to reported income

Logging in online too much (!)


Adding Cardholders (many?)

Refunds exceeding total payments made on the card since it was opened
Though not exactly F/R, it's worth mentioning that Amex takes returned payments very seriously.
They often shut all accounts without going through the F/R process.

Author Topic: Amex F/R Master Thread  (Read 2177181 times)

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Re: Amex F/R Master Thread
« Reply #8620 on: November 05, 2024, 05:37:19 AM »
AFAF Amex Plat Personal got shutdown yesterday for a returned payment. Any advice or it's a lost case? Can he reapply?
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Re: Amex F/R Master Thread
« Reply #8621 on: November 13, 2024, 10:05:15 PM »
just got FR can i send in wife bank statement and pay stubs with only her name on it as i rely on her income and all with a letter she allows me to use??

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Amex financial review
« Reply #8622 on: November 18, 2024, 04:16:48 PM »
Amex asked me for my bank statements,  they're doing a financial review,  and I always pay my card from my business account that's not on my name, what should I do? If I show them my account statements, they'll see that this business account isn't on my name.  What can I do?

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Re: Amex financial review
« Reply #8623 on: November 19, 2024, 12:03:52 PM »

Try posting in this thread. We try to keep things organized here as it makes it easier to find things in the future. Also, try searching that thread or reading a few pages to see if your question was answered already.

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Re: Amex F/R Master Thread
« Reply #8624 on: November 27, 2024, 01:13:21 PM »
Got F/R last year on DW accounts sent in bank statements which were accepted and they put on a 80k limit btw all the cards. 12m later they lifted the limit and i was able to swipe 300k+.
BUT... the accounts just got F/R again!  ;D >:( ;D

The rep told me i can send statements from multiple accounts but at least one has to match to DW name/address. never heard that one before.
Also can i redact the transaction descriptions?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2024, 01:18:08 PM by Naftuli19 »
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