The website offers discounted gift cards at extremely good prices (ie: Disney at 16% off, Walmart at 12% off), but the catch is that the buyer needs to wait approximately 30 days to receive their gift cards.
This site also offers the opportunity to invest large sums with them with 8%+ return in 30 days (this is not a joke--and definitely not a recommendation).
I've read facebook posts from a few people ( generally on Disney fan pages) who have ordered from this site that they have actually received their giftcards, but in practice they had to contact the site after 30 days, and then usually received their cards a few days after. But I have never heard of anyone getting scammed and not receiving their gift card eventually.
It seems to me like the operators of this site are floating the money for the month essentially as a loan, but do the numbers make sense? Even assuming that they are buying the Disney cards as 10% off themselves, then they are still paying 6% interest per month for this money? Surely there are better and cheaper ways to borrow money?
And I suppose the big risk here is that whatever they're doing with the money comes crashing down, and then everyone who is waiting for their cards at that time loses out?
What can they be doing with the cash that they can afford to essentially pay 6% monthly returns consistently?
To be very clear--this site sounds very sketchy to me, and I personally would stay away. I don't want anyone coming back saying that they found the site through this post and blaming me for their losses.