All I can say is that in Brooklyn, NY, a place with heavy gun control laws, I'm scared to walk by myself late at night and would never ever let my wife or young kids walk alone at night.
Whereas in Beachwood, OH, a place with extremely lax gun control, I'd have no hesitations.
Regulations and safety are hard to correlate. When criminals want guns they get 'em.
Banning guns in schools just ensures that noone will be able to defend against a criminal who doesn't care about a ban.
Come on, populated cities have always been plagued with crime. What makes you afraid to walk at night in Brooklyn, NY is related to certain faction of people within certain ethnicities that dwell in said area, that have a tendency to commit criminal acts. It's them you are afraid of, and you know it.
Odds are, if you were to get attacked, it would not be with a gun. It would likely be for something like your cellphone. You would probably walk away with a large mark on your face.
Here is the thing, if you were actually carrying a gun, and you used it against said perp, you would likely end up in prison for a few years, and start a riot in the process. (See: Trayvon Martin, Bernard Goetz)
There are many of the above ethnicity that are very good people, and do a lot of good for the world. But unfortunately, in the particular area we are talking about, 99% of crime is from said ethnicity.