Hey Dan, Thanks for the great Seminar in LA last week. Lots of information! My sister (incl. Husband. Owner of Danelis

and a child that's 3 yrs old and twins that are 18 months old) need help with buying tickets for my brothers wedding. Any suggestions on how to find the best prices? Fwd: to me from my sister. I'm looking to book tickets from Melbourne to California on June 23/24 ( flying into LA, leaving from San Diego July 2 or July 3 to New York. ) This is for 2 adults, 1 three year old child and 2 eighteen month old babies.
Dan needs a return ticket to Melb from NY on July 9th, and for myself and the 3 children Aug 11 or 12.
We only want to fly direct Melb-LA, and NY-LA-Melb on return -no stopovers in Sydney or elsewhere.
If you hook this up. The next meal in Melbourne is on THE HOUSE in Daneli's