I went to see the eclipse last week with
@Something Fishy,
@Dan, and
@lfas25. SF will write the "official" TR (hopefully before 2024 eclipse

), but for now I may as well share the quick thing I put together to share with my family without any changes.
Hope you enjoy.
Goodbye, NY:

A Delta pilot flying standby on American Airlines:

Welcome to cow country:

Ouch.. What did I do wrong now?

The officer walks up and asks for license and registration and tells me that I was going 71 in a 45 MPH zone.. I'm trying to express how sorry I am, and that we just landed after a long exhausting trip and it's a rental. I didn't think I'm getting out of this one. He gives me back the registration and insurance card and tells me to make the the car company aware that the color on the registration and the color of the car are not matching. Walks back to his car and runs my license.

As he comes back and makes himself ready to give me a warning, the back window rolls down. Apparently one of my friends was bored, out of the blue tells the cop that he's from New Jersey and if you can take a selfie with him....

In no man's land:

At the tri-state marker where Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma, come together:

Standing in 3 states at once:

Welcome to Missouri:

Welcome to Oklahoma:

Another tri-state marker where Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas come together:

Taking photos of... I have no clue:

Picked up some kosher food:

Went to warm up and eat at a Dan's in-laws house, the nicest people you would ever meet.
Experimenting with a pinhole camera to use for the Eclipse:

Trying to find the place with the best weather for viewing the Eclipse:

Checked in to the hotel. There were only 2 beds so we smuggled in blow-up mattresses:

Got up in the morning, the weather was really bad. It was decided we're going to drive to Boonville, Missouri.
It was pouring rain:
As we got closer to Boonville the weather cleared up:

As we are driving to the exact spot (Franklin Island Access) we see a plane... What's going on are we in an airport??.. As it turns out it was 2 older guys from Texas decided to fly to Boonville to see the Eclipse with their self assembled water plane and land on the Missouri River:

At our spot at the Missouri River:

Setting up the cameras:

When it started it was pretty boring, there were a lot of clouds, and when looking through the eclipse glasses it looked pretty much like the moon:

But as it came closer to totality everything started to change:

The temperature dropped about 30 degrees from 90 to about 60, it started to get really dark and really quiet (you don't realize how much noise nature makes until it gets really quiet), and the wind stopped blowing:

And when we took off the eclipse glass there it was an unbelievable spectacle, something no pictures can describe...

Totality lasted for about 2 minutes and then it went back to boring.....

And it's over!

The Texas guys are getting ready to fly home:

Now what? How about covering 2 more states? Iowa and Nebraska here we come.
Taking photos in the middle of nowhere:

Stopped to eat supper in the middle of nowhere:

Weather got horrible with crazy lightning:
Video taken by
@lfas25's dash cam #dashcammed
Welcome to Iowa:

Oh, there's a cop let's take another selfie:

Our sixth and final state, Nebraska:

After driving all night it was time to get back to reality:

Welcome back to NY:

Welcomed home by Trump:

The end.