Total Members Voted: 94
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
I bet some idiot will say 9/27 but not me.
I just got into this arguments over traffic lights. If I'm halfway down a block, is the "next light" the one .5 blocks down or 1.5 blocks down?
Please vote:Today is Thursday, Sept 14. If I say "Next Wednesday" what day would you think I am referring to:1) Wednesday, Sep 202) Wednesday, Sep 27
#1.But if you asked me again on Monday Sept 18th, then my answer would be #2"Next" Wednesday implies the one that is next week
Forget a dislike button, we need a HATE button.
When is this Wednesday? Is it the same date as next Wednesday?
No. This Wednesday is this coming up Wednesday, Sep 20. Next Wednesday is the one after that.
Learn when to concede..
Okay. now that we know which of the 2 you are disagreeing about it seems that most here are considering "next Wed" to mean next week Wed and are considering each week separately. Hence the difference between which week you are in. I think this is the way most people speak. This would also be a difference between days and this case.