Ugh, the infamous 'Chabadsker Niggun' which was basically stolen from Lubavitch and litvish-fied. The fact that it has the name 'Chabadsker' is of little comfort as the song is still stolen; but moreover, even the term 'Chabadsker' itself is never used by Lubavitch.
You are entitled to be upset
That's why I was מדקדק when I wrotewrote
And also what is now known as the chabadsker niggun
The problem with מלך עליון is that it's too long to use just a low part and too short to use a low part and a high part.
The kuntz of the two niggunim I mentioned is that they'd fit pretty well.
I know not every Shul is ok with this but by us we sing it straight rather than doing it responsively so that makes the singing not as slow.
I still struggle how much of it to sing. When I'm a massacist I sing all 22 stanzas.