I think some here are misunderstanding. There is no tune that "Lakewood uses" each minyan depends on its own baal tfila.
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
Once in a while a joke you make falls flat or is inappropriate ....
This joke was in context of the R"H and Y"K davenning times threads. I was pushing a line to make a point. Apologies if I pushed it too far. Delete button is no longer there...
Ki Hinei Kachomer is the chabad YK nigun that does it for me. Hauntingly beautiful.http://www.chabad.org/multimedia/media_cdo/aid/2927856/jewish/Soul-Whispers-Ki-Hinei-Kachomer.htmhttp://www.chabad.org/multimedia/media_cdo/aid/862521/jewish/23-Ki-Hinei-Kachomer.htmhttp://www.chabad.org/multimedia/media_cdo/aid/3795849/jewish/Ki-Hinei-Kachomer-with-Rogers-Park-Band.htmhttp://www.chabad.org/multimedia/media_cdo/aid/140751/jewish/Ki-Hinei-Kachomer.htm
@Dan Can we get please vaani evtach boch, and didan natzach?
Ki Hinei Kachomer is the chabad YK nigun that does it for me. Hauntingly beautiful.
+1Especially while crammed into 770 with thousands of people (and for those not following in the video thread, yes it is a Chabad niggun)
SOTD: Ki Hinei KaChomer, Chabad StyleHere are two takes on Chabad's Ki Hinei KachomerProject TzamaRogers ParkBonus from Project Tzama: Yaaleh Tachanunenu
One of my favorite nigunnim for Yamim NoraimPadeh B'Shalom speaks to me - Hasleych el Hashem Yehavecha vhu Ychalecha
Very nice, but not Chabad niggun. Though in today's day and age you can't post this niggun without the rendition from the Saudi Blogger.