Chase Recon #1: 1-888-270-2127 or
1-888-245-0625 (no longer in service) 1-800-527-7419 [Mon-Fri 7:00AM-10:00PM Sat 8:00AM-5:00PM Sun 9:00AM-5:00PM ET]
Chase Recon #2: 1-888-609-7805 [Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00 PM ET]
Chase Business Recon #: 1-800-453-9719 [Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM ET]
Chase Fraud # 1: 1-877-470-9042 [Mon-Fri 8:00AM-8:00PM ET]
Chase Fraud # 2: 1-800-278-8830
(If you have a fraud alert on your account, recon will instantly transfer you here for verification, so you might as well call directly)
To fax in verification documents:
#1: 888-643-9624
#2: 888-643-9628
#3: 201-328-3289 (according to a rep from this dept, it's quicker than the other listed numbers)
Chase CS #: 1-800-432-3117
To know whether your application is pending or declined:
Call CS
1-888-338-2586 or 1-800-432-3117 and press # or 1. (If it's asking for your full 16 digits account number, it's 1. If it's asking for only your last 4 digits, it's #)
Press 4, then 1, then key in your SSN.
If you hear:
This application is being reviewed. You will be notified in writing of our decision, in approximately 2 weeksIt's pending.
If you hear:
This application is being reviewed. You will be notified in writing, within 7 to 10 business days, of our decisionIt's been declined.
Business cards application status: call 800-453-9719.
7-10 day message on the business application line does not mean a denial.
No matter what the status of your app is or what the page said after you hit submit or what Chase emailed you, etc... CALL TODAY! Any "pending" issues can either be addressed once you get your letter in the mail in 2 weeks, or you can JUST CALL TODAY!
And if at first you don't succeed HUCA, HUCA, HUCA etc. If they tell you there's a max of 2 cards per 30 days, HUCA!
PS: If the reason you were declined on a 5/24 card is 5/24, and you are indeed 5/24, YOU WILL NOT GET APPROVED.