Seems most commenting here dont know or arent acknowledging the cons. The mainstream view in this world (whatever your own opinion of it might be) is that Israel has no more of a right to a state than the palestinians, is illegally maintaining control of most of Israel, has no moral high ground over the rabid murderers on the other side, etc etc. Jerusalem is included in the illegal bucket and Israeli sovereignty over it should never be acknowledged, east or west. Now comes a guy who is hated by the whole mainstream world and he wants to make this his issue and draw a line in the sand. All we will get out of this is greater unity of antiIsraeli sentiment at best, and outright condoning of arab violence at worst.
Now I will admit that I dont know the pros of doing this. Can someone please lay that out to me? Who benefits? Who needs this? I dont buy that it cuts down on terrorism because it erases hope of earning Jerusalem through attacks