Is it indeed humiliating?
Reminds me of when my kids complain about someone bothering them. More often than not, it's the choice of the person being bothered as to whether they are bothered or not.
I don't understand. The author condemns how women have been obliterated from these publications. Yet women are constantly featured, discussed and praised in these magazines. It's just their photograph that doesn't appear. Are they saying that a women's entire worth is in her appearance, not her education, achievements and career?
The editor of the Mishpacha is a woman. The editor of the Hamodia is a woman. The editor of the Family First is a woman. The editor of the Ami Living is a woman.
These publications have steady female columnists who are successful psychologists, educators, doctors, and business professionals, not to mention rebbetzins.
What is humiliating about not having your picture?
I've read countless articles in various academic journals. None of them have pictures of the professors who authored them, just their names.