Any benefits of PC when renting through an agent(Noach) in Israel (tlv pickup)?Biggest headache is the line at the counter in the airport. Does PC allow you to skip the line?
Anyone have experience with the Hertz in CLE and know if they have Ultimate Choice with a good selection?Looking to rent a minivan or 3 row SUV for the weekend in a couple of weeks and would like to know if I need to pay up to reserve a minivan or can just reserve a mid and will hopefully find a 3 row option in the Ultimate Choice lot.I have PC of course.
HI, I have PC from my VentureX, if i make a reservation through Cap1 travel portal will I be able to use PC benefits?
If I have PC status and I rent a midsize car can I count on the “Guaranteed one-car-class upgrades” to get a standard or full size car, or the location can make me issues?
Nothing is guaranteed. If they don't have anything bigger on location, it's tough luck.
Looking for a 3 day rental, JFK, I am Presidents circle. Why is it that when i am logged in to PC account the price is almost double then when i am not logged in ?
are there any pc or any other codes saved to your account?Sometimes a code can increase the rate
No. Only Amex Plat