Hope these installments (How I booked my brother/shver, bought a car and freezer, etc) are helpful to folks...or maybe they're just getting boring by now?
Was looking into a high capacity washer and dryer. Consumer Reports says that LG seems to have the fewest problems.
washer (80/100, range for all dryers was from 27 to 87. Excellent in energy and washer efficiency, capacity, gentleness, and noise. Very good in washing performance and vibration) and
dryer (81/100, range for all dryers was from 10 to 83. Excellent for drying performance, capacity, and noise. Very good for convenience/ease of use. No dryers received an excellent in the convenience/ease of use category) set.
So the washer is $1,499 normally at Home Depot and is on sale for $1,349 with free installation.
Best Buy has it for $1,039 plus $70 for installation.
Called HD and asked if they would beat BB for this washer and they said they would. (Officially they don't match special order items).
Brought the BB printout into HD, waited a while for someone to help me in the appliance section and got down to business.
When the sales rep called the manager for the price match + 10% authorization the manager first protested that it wasn't for special orders but the sales rep said it was in stock at "depot direct" so it should qualify and the manager authorized it.
So now the price was $1,039x.9= $935.
Plus installation is free with HD, as opposed to $70 at BB.
I also wanted pedestals that raise the washer up and have a drawer, but
those were $250 each everywhere. Even on Google Shopping the cheapest ones are over $200 from shady stores.
The rep asked if I would like them for $99 and I couldn't say yes quick enough!
The rep also handed me a $50 rebate form as it's an EStar certified washer!
We went together to the front to pay the invoice and I asked about the sign that said 10% off EStar appliances knowing in my mind that it would probably never fly. The rep told the cashier to scan a coupon he had and another 10% came tumbling off!
$935x.9=$841-$50 rebate=$791!
Similar story with this dryer, except that I price matched+10% with a Sears printout

Plus I got the set of pedestals that are $500 at all the other stores for just $198!