The shayla boils down to:
1. Is anyone actually going to sign up for a program run by HG or has he irreparably damaged himself to the point that nobody will sign up for a program that he runs in the future? Included in this is can he change the name again to hide who is running it, as he did this time.
2. Is highlighting out things that he has shared publicly going to potentially help a criminal case against him?
This isn't even a question.
If ultimately we are all made to apologize to him after it has been proven that he did not, in fact, perpetuate a scam, nobody will ever enter into business with him no matter how lucrative the opportunity seems.
Regardless of whether or not he is a criminal, he has exhibited psychopathic tendencies. He is incapable of meeting basic emotional expectations, he is incapable of admitting any accountability, incapable of answering a direct question where he can instead assume a defensive posture.
He has displayed all of the above to the world, foolishly and without counsel (another psychopathic tendency).
Regardless of his guilt, he has irreparably damaged himself.