Author Topic: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!  (Read 18338 times)

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At 7 weeks old, it was time for us to take our first trip with DD (dear daughter)! We thought it would be easier to do a driving trip than a flying trip (not sure we were right), plus my wife had never been to Niagara, so it was decided. I briefly considered flying to BUF, but between the lack of miles availability and the cost of renting a car/taxiing from BUF to Niagara and back nixed that plan pretty quickly; a road trip it would be! An extended July 4th weekend was a great amount of time to experience Niagara, but between the US holiday weekend and being the 150th Canada Day, it meant we were in for a boatload of traffic.

Day 1 – Friday, 6/30
We left Friday morning, and with a ~6 hour trip ahead of us, I planned stops every 2 hours to break up the trip with DD. What I failed to do was properly lay out the stops with her eating schedule, so we ended up stopping a few more times than expected. But that was okay because traveling long distances on Erev Shabbos is always a good idea, right!? *foreshadow*

2 hours from home we stopped at Krispy Kreme in Scranton. With so many delicious-looking doughnuts, it was hard to choose. I liked how they package them up in the little box and have the touristy hats to put on. After we ate, it was time to feed DD, which worked out well, before getting back on the road.

About 2 hours later, we arrived at the Corning Glass Museum ($20 admission). It was definitely more interesting than a classic art museum, but we didn't think it was as exciting as others made it out to be. We had been fortunate to see glass blowing in Murano, so the demonstrations here didn’t interest us, despite being a much better production that the 5 minute show we got in Italy. The museum is huge, but we went through it relatively quickly (still spent 2 hours there), including another meal time for DD. Being allowed to bring a stroller in was very helpful.

My sciencey wife loved this section

Up-close this looked like a mess of glass cups, but from afar, the trees came into sight

We were now 2 hours away from Niagara, with no more stops planned, when we hit holiday traffic. Google Maps changed our route (off the DDF-recommended scenic route, although still with nice farm views), but we were now scheduled for a 3 hour drive, which meant we had to pull over to feed DD again. When we finally got to the Rainbow Bridge (I know it's not the recommended bridge to take, but we trusted Gmaps), traffic was absolutely crawling and DD was screaming. As the clock ticked towards Shabbos, I realized we had no shot of getting there with breathing room. 15 more minutes and having only moved 50 feet, and there would be no time for showering. 10 more minutes and just a drop closer meant candle lighting was in danger. We got our first view of the falls from the bridge, but couldn’t appreciate it due to the stress of the clock. As we got to the customs window, I nervously pulled out our driver’s licenses and a copy of DD’s birth certificate. I had been told you need the original birth certificate, but had applied for DD’s passport just days before the trip, not realizing they keep the original birth certificate during the process. Luckily, I had made a copy of it beforehand and was told it would be up to the customs agent to let us through or not. I was ready to beg if there was a problem, but fortunately, he had no issue with it. Unfortunately, there was another problem. “These are your licenses… where are your passports?” OUR PASSPORTS!? I recall for some reason telling myself while packing that you only need a license to cross the border. “Sir, you know you’re going into another country, right? You need a passport to do that…”

I don’t think I need to describe my wife’s face at this time. I apologized profusely to the agent for leaving our passports behind, and thank G-d he let us through. I gunned it out of there for the 10 minute drive to our hotel, the Four Points by Sheraton Niagara Falls Fallsview, which is on the Canadian side (not to be confused by the hotel with the same name without the word "Fallsview" which is on the US side) booked for 3K SPG/night for 2 nights. The DDF tip of parking at the casino across the street for cheap didn't work out because we didn't have time to walk from there to the hotel, plus the sign outside didn’t say $5 this time (I think it was $35), as makes sense on a holiday weekend. We pulled up to the hotel with just a precious few of the 18 minutes left, gave the car to valet ($33 a day, gulp!) and ran inside. We checked into our room and were upgraded to a jacuzzi room on a low floor as requested in advance. Being on a low floor meant no view of the falls, but the choice was an easy sacrifice when carrying a stroller, and we would have a nice room view later on in the trip. We had 5 minutes and then ran downstairs to light candles just in time. Not the way you want to start a trip or a Shabbos, but we made it! I didn't take pictures, but here is the room from the hotel's site.

Chabad offers wonderful Shabbos meals for $120 a person in the basement ballroom of this hotel, which is incredibly convenient for a hotel that only costs 3K and is across the street (within a small Eruv) from the Chabad Shul. We sat with random people at our table, and of course it turned out that one guy was our friend’s uncle. There was a generous amount of food and a friendly Chabad Rabbi running the show who made everyone introduce themselves, and surprisingly very few people fought hard enough to abstain from participating. A large Israeli tour group took up 5 tables and kept us entertained (for lack of a better word) with Sefardi Zemiros/t :P during the meal. Thankfully, DD slept in her Doona at dinner.

Day 2 - Shabbos, 7/1

Shacharis across the street was fully packed, even on the women’s side. Throughout Shabbos, the Rabbi gave several pitches about the work he does for the community, and he must really know what he’s doing because people were donating 100 x Chai easily at almost every Aliyah. Lunch was equally as nice as dinner. In the afternoon, while others went for a walk to see the falls, we were confined to the Eruv, so we walked the 5 minute total area of the Eruv a few times and hung out in the relatively small lobby playing games we brought with us until Mincha/Shalosh Seudos/Maariv.

We didn't do much on Motzai Shabbos, although Chabad has incredibly worked out with the hotel to get separate swimming hours for men/women on Motzai Shabbos. The hotel is attached to an arcade and shopping center and has a Starbucks inside that they gave us free drink vouchers for.

Day 3 - Sunday, 7/2
We started the day by going on a walk to try and see the falls. I don’t know where people saw them from on Shabbos, but walking around the plazas nearby led us to views entirely blocked by trees and landscaping. Plus, the closest street we found was still a few stories above the ground level of where the falls are. We actually passed the Falls Incline Railway which gives people a nice view of the falls and takes you down to falls/ground level, but between the long line, planning on getting a nice view later on in the trip and not actually wanting to go all the way down now, we turned back to the hotel.

This is where we learned a mistake re: traveling with a baby. Packing up to switch hotels on just a 4 night trip was rough and ended up killing half the day. While this hotel was really convenient for Shabbos and is right next to the 2 Kosher restaurants that are in the Chabad building, it's further from basically all the activities we wanted to do, so we spent the next two nights in the more "fun" (touristy) area, Clifton Hill. Before leaving this side of town, we got lunch at Top Nosh. The place was very heimish from the slow ordering process, to no one clearing tables, to the long wait for food to the salad being just a dumped out bag of Dole lettuce, but having hot Kosher food in Niagara that actually tasted good was really appreciated. $40 was a bit steep for what we got, but makes sense being far from home.

We stayed at the Sheraton on the Falls (not to be confused with Sheraton at the Falls on the US side - seriously, Sheraton, you gotta fix these names!) for 10K SPG/night for 2 nights. While it should have only been 5 minutes away, with the holiday traffic the drive (and each return trip to the restaurants) took 15-20 minutes.

On the way over, we passed by the Skylon Tower, which I planned to skip before the trip because why pay to go up and get a view if you can get a hotel room on a high floor with the same view? At the hotel, we did valet again as it was just easier with the baby. Resort and valet fees were $55 after some of it was comp'd due to the long wait times for our car we had a few times. For cell service, we took the advice of turning our phones to network only which avoided roaming and was supposed to pick up the US signal. It didn’t work at all at the first hotel (but wifi did the job), but at this one and at the different activities we went to, we were able to pick up service. We were very happy with our upgraded room with a view of both the American and Canadian/Horseshoe falls. You’ve been patient enough until now, so you can finally have a picture of the falls.

View from the room, both falls

View from the room, American Falls

View from the room, Candian Falls. Yes, there’s always a huge mist blocking the view

It was after 3PM by the time we headed out for the day – as I said before, switching hotels with the baby really impacted the day. There are activities packages you could buy but before the trip I had seen that none of them offered all the activities we wanted to do and were not good deals once you factor in that you’re also paying for all the activities you aren’t interested in, so we paid for each activity on its own Chabad supposedly offers individual activity deals besides for their J-Pass package, but they were not very organized with this, and I never had a good chance to meet with them to buy tickets. We headed down for the 10 minute walk to the Rainbow Bridge with a plan to walk across to America to Goat Island and Cave of the Winds. Halfway there, I realized I forgot DD’s birth certificate copy, so we returned to the hotel. On round 2, as we approached the exit to leave Canada, we were greeted by signs warning us to bring our passports with us or else be refused entry back in. I totally forgot about this consequence of not having our passports, despite having written in my trip planning notes for this activity – “need passports” >:(. My wife said no way were we taking the chance again, so we returned back to the hotel again, frustrated but determined to make something work today. We’ll just save COTW for next time!

While you can take the WeGo bus system to basically any activity, we decided to drive <10 minutes to the Whirlpool Aero Car ($12). We parked in the free lot, having finally arrived at our first activity of the day after 4PM. The line was about 10 minutes, and we enjoyed the views while riding the 100-year old cable car across the gorge and back with DD in a baby carrier.

The whirlpool below us

Up next, we drove 2 minutes back towards the hotel zone along the Niagara River to the White Water Walk ($10). The lot is across the street infront of some Asian temple-looking building, and you can get a validated ticket to put in your windshield. The line was decent as you have to wait for an elevator down through the cliffside into a tunnel that lets you out really right on the edge of the water. Strolling along the boardwalk watching and listening to the rapids was a great activity to do with a stroller.

Back at the hotel, I dropped off my wife and daughter for bedtime, while I went through traffic to Chabad for Shul. Chabad does not have a lot, but there is street parking with a muni-meter that costs $3 for an hour or two. Afterwards, I picked up food from the fleishig restaurant, Taste, which is literally separated from Top Nosh by a curtain. $40 got us wings, chicken fingers, fries and drinks, which again was slightly on the more expensive side, but understandable. Back at the hotel, we sat by the floor-to-ceiling window with the fireplace turned on enjoying really good food while watching the falls light and fireworks show. Sorry, iPhones don’t do so well at night, through glass and with bright lights outside.

Day 4 - Monday, 7/3
Included in the resort fee is a free photo at the Hershey store down the block, so we headed there in the morning. First, we passed by a Coca Cola store and stopped in.

From there we continued down the block to the Hershey store where we got our picture taken in front of a large Hershey Kiss with a fake Niagara background. The kind of thing I’d never pay for at one of these places, until… later today.

Up next we walked for 5 minutes to Hornblower Cruises ($22), where we encountered extremely long lines. However, there were signs everywhere to buy tickets online from your phone and skip the wait. There were a few people doing this so we joined them and 5 minutes later, had tickets that allowed us to literally skip over an hour’s wait. I don’t understand why everyone wasn’t doing it. There was still a 20 minute or so line but a lot of it was covered from the sun and before we knew it, we were handed our red ponchos and boarding the boat. We brought along the Doona raincover, which kept DD dry, although there is also a closed off area on the lower deck that is protected from the water. The ride is not that long but really shows you the enormity and power of both falls, particularly the Canadian Horseshoe that has such a thick mist rising you can’t see once the boat gets close. We didn’t really get that wet, although we weren’t standing in the biggest splash zone on the boat.

A boat setting off towards the falls

American Falls

Yellow ponchos at Cave of the Winds on the American Side. The small section of falls on the right side is called the Bridal Veil Falls

Approaching the Canadian Falls and their great mist

Having a great time sleeping while up close and personal with the falls

Back on solid ground, we walked over to Clifton Hill, which is a super touristy street full of arcades, haunted houses, mini golf, wax museums, Ripley’s, Guinness and the Sky Wheel. This is a really fun area that I’m sure kids just a bit older than DD would have a blast at. Best part was that they had a Dippin’ Dots! We decided not to do any of the activities mostly due to having a stroller with us, so we just walked around.


We made a quick stop back at the hotel to feed DD and eat something ourselves and then we continued our activity-filled day by driving to the Botanical Gardens (free, $5 parking). The gardens were not the grandest we’ve ever seen, but it was a calm place to stroll around with DD and there were several nice spots for photos. Within the gardens, we went to the Butterfly Conservatory ($12). Pushing the stroller within the enclosure was a little difficult due to the large crowds but it was our first time at one of these butterfly places, and we really enjoyed.


Heading back towards the hotel, we stopped at Bird Kingdom ($15), a combination museum/random artifacts the founder collected and bird sanctuary. Some birds were very playful and followed us around, and some were quite exotic. The highlight was being able to hold parrots, and because we weren’t allowed to take a picture with our phones, we agreed to buy the official picture, going against my policy mentioned earlier. :P I recommend stopping in (you can skip quickly through most of the museum part).

From there we went to Shul and this time sat down for dinner at Taste.Again, we chose simpler foods like chicken fingers instead of the $70 steak or $40 chicken. We also got our favorite, hot chocolate cake with ice cream, spending $65 in total. Back at the hotel we caught another fireworks show. Really recommend getting a hotel room with a view as the night shows are pleasant to watch before going to bed. I’m not really a food picture guy, but here’s what I got after I realized halfway through the meal I didn’t take any food pics for you guys.

Those fries were really good


Patriotic tonight

Day 5 – Tuesday, July 4th
Today was heading back day on a beautiful Fourth of July.

Getting over the border was quick, and we said our goodbyes to the falls from the Rainbow Bridge and Canada – until next time… when we bring our passports!

Knowing that we had a 6 hour journey ahead of us, I once again planned several stops. And as with last time, the first few stops worked out well with DD’s feeding schedule, but after that, things didn’t go as smoothly. Our first stop was 1.5 hours away at the Strong Museum of Play ($15) in Rochester, although it wasn’t exactly 1.5 hours on the way home as it was not on the most direct route. The place was ginormous. An incredibly well done museum of all the toys and games you can think of. From babies/kids toys to superheroes, video games (free!), arcade games, a room full of pinball machines, board games, antiques and computerized versions of games (like Rush Hour and Connect 4) – it was room after room of just endless games. It’s really a shame that it’s so far from NY because it would be a great full Sunday activity with kids. It was stroller friendly and obviously DD didn’t know what was going on, but we had a really great time.

Funhouse-style room

Play supermarket


Before we knew it, we had spent 2 and half hours here and could have easily spent more, but we were still so far from home. For our next stop, I spent time researching where we could find a nice play to eat lunch by the Finger Lakes. I found that highway 14 runs down along Seneca Lake and 1 hour after leaving the museum (this time definitely in the direction home), we pulled over at a grassy area with benches overlooking the beautiful lake.

It was now 2:30 and we still had 4.5 hours to drive. The last stop I had planned was only 15 minutes from the lake, which meant just a quick car ride now, but… an extremely long stretch afterwards. We arrived at Watkins Glen State Park to hike the waterfall-filled path. The main entrance is under construction, so Google Maps had no idea where to send us, so we got lost for 20 minutes. Finally, we found the parking lot. Entrance is free, but parking costs $8. We strapped DD into the baby carrier and followed the larger than expected crowd (although to be fair it was a holiday) along the path. With 20/20 hindsight, we should have spent 20 minutes checking out the first few falls and then turned back. Those were the most impressive falls on the whole hike which should more accurately be called a step climb (that only went up). Once we realized what was going on, we were too far to return so we trekked on, sweating and exhausted (although, walking through the “canyon” provided shade most of the way). The whole climb took around 1-1.5 hours till we emerged at the other end. I knew that an unofficial shuttle drives back to the parking lot for $5 cash per person, so I brought money with me. By the time the beat up school bus showed up and the driver took care of his business, waited for more passengers and drove 5 mph, we didn’t pull out of the park until 6pm. The park was pretty, but again, I recommend going in just for the first 2-3 falls then turning around (and try to avoid going on a packed holiday). What we should have done was skipped such an active activity like this and just made our last stop back at Krispy Kreme again… mmm…


It was now 6pm and we still had over 4 hours to go with no more stops planned – not that we wanted any, we were ready to go home. But DD was not having it and she screamed and cried on-and-off while we drove. It was not a fun ride to say the least, but we made it home after a long day’s drive. Niagara was a blast, and we had a great time once we settled in learning how to deal with a baby on vacation. To the next trip!

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2018, 12:14:19 PM »
Nice TR! You may have confused enhanced DL with regular DLs. Enhanced are basically semi-passports that work to get you into Canada, but regular ones don't work. That said, I took friends from Detroit to Windsor (no border check going into Canada) and one of them got yelled at trying to get back into the US with just his license.

The falls at the end look really nice!

Nothing I hate more than driving with a screaming baby in the car. Sorry you had to go through that.

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2018, 12:29:35 PM »
This is great for a "what to do on the way to Toronto" guide!
Feelings don't care about your facts

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2018, 01:58:57 PM »
Nice TR! You may have confused enhanced DL with regular DLs. Enhanced are basically semi-passports that work to get you into Canada, but regular ones don't work. That said, I took friends from Detroit to Windsor (no border check going into Canada) and one of them got yelled at trying to get back into the US with just his license.

The falls at the end look really nice!

Nothing I hate more than driving with a screaming baby in the car. Sorry you had to go through that.
Thanks! Could be about the licenses, not sure what I was thinking. Appreciate the car ride sentiments.

This is great for a "what to do on the way to Toronto" guide!
I have more ideas for stops and was planning on adding them all to the Niagara wiki, but I will add them to the Toronto wiki as well!

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2018, 02:44:07 PM »
Nice report with lots of useful info, thanks.

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2018, 07:29:41 PM »
I can't friggin believe you wrote all that about Niagara Falls.  :P
What do you do after your dreams come true?

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2018, 07:57:07 PM »
Nice report with lots of useful info, thanks.
My pleasure.

I can't friggin believe you wrote all that about Niagara Falls.  :P
It's all about the money, money.

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2018, 02:41:31 AM »
You can also officially enter Canada with a license and birth certificate. At least that was the case 3 years ago.

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2018, 11:42:19 AM »
Debating to thank you or kill you. Was looking at your TR last night in bed. The wife leans over asks if that is Niagara Falls. I explain it is a TR. She asks to read it when I am done. When done she says wouldn't it nice to back to NF now that the kids are grown up.  Another family (+ boyfriends) vaca.  >:( >:( >:(
I just found a new supply of forks!

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2018, 11:45:53 AM »
You can also officially enter Canada with a license and birth certificate. At least that was the case 3 years ago.
Well, I didn't have our birth certificates with us either.  :P

Debating to thank you or kill you. Was looking at your TR last night in bed. The wife leans over asks if that is Niagara Falls. I explain it is a TR. She asks to read it when I am done. When done she says wouldn't it nice to back to NF now that the kids are grown up.  Another family (+ boyfriends) vaca.  >:( >:( >:(
You're very welcome, I take that as a compliment to my pictures/writing. ;D

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2018, 12:45:32 PM »
You're very welcome, I take that as a compliment to my pictures/writing. ;D
Yes you should. If we go I will send you the bill.
I just found a new supply of forks!

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2018, 02:39:15 PM »
Yes you should. If we go I will send you the bill.
And CM travels in style, won't be a cheap trip

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2018, 12:22:33 AM »
Yes you should. If we go I will send you the bill.

you got it all wrong. Buffalo is a great town for GC unloading

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2018, 01:40:23 AM »
Great TR!

Anyone else feel old seeing a Gameboy in a Museum?

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2018, 07:19:18 AM »
Great TR!

Anyone else feel old seeing a Gameboy in a Museum?
what's a gameboy?

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2018, 10:06:54 AM »
what's a gameboy?

Guess you should go to the museum. I don't want to spoil anything.

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2018, 07:21:11 PM »
I was at the Corning Museam of Glsss several years ago. Enjoyed it very much.
Watkins glen is 15 min away.

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2018, 10:41:57 PM »
Your baby is gorgeous
If you don't care why would you comment?

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2018, 11:13:21 PM »
Is not feeding the baby while driving a safety issue or comfort?

BTW this TR is an encouragement  when everything goes wrong you stay positive and focused.

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Re: Barreling down Niagara Falls on @Yehuda’s First Trip with a Baby!
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2018, 11:28:28 AM »
Great pics and TR.