No, it just means I choose to enjoy life. But I realize that its foolish to argue any point here. No one has taken me seriously, regardless of any argument on the tone, nature, layout and presentation of my discussion.
You guys keep mixing apples and oranges discussing the shidduch situation for healthy singles while the article I posted was in reference to disabled people.
My point was and is, i'm not going to be treated like a circus freak having to discuss every nuanced aspect of my life and health etc in terms of dating, so I dont. I am not bitter, you do a gross miscarriage to imply this, you dont know me. dont foist your opinions of me onto me
I am bitter at the way disabled singles are treated, but I dont really care for myself personally.
I apologize if I offended you. Again, I can't being to understand your situation and no, I'm not comparing.
However, as a healthy single, I can attest to being treated like a circus freak as well, albeit I'm sure on a much lesser level.
I think one of the hardest parts of being single (at least for me) is that everyone is constantly in your business. Your dress, your demeanor, your speech, your attitude, your middos, your looks... every single thing about you becomes public opinion. People delve deep into your personal character, talking about you is second nature, even if it's positive.
There are constantly people talking about you, talking about what you need to change, what you need to do, what you REALLY need vs what you are saying you need, and the list goes on and on.
There is something 'tangible' to do so people want you to do it. They push themselves on you. They push their agendas on you. They think they know best.
When it comes to other issues, things are much less talked about. No one is going over to someone and offering advice. No one is talking about what you need to do and change. People assume you are doing what needs to be done and that's that. It's not personal. It's not about your character, not about your demeanor. No one is describing you in great detail, no one is seizing you up based on this and that, no one is judging your choices
*steps off soapbox
When all is said and done, it's an extremely vulnerable position to be in. By putting yourself in the situation where you need to be set up, you need to use an intermediary, this is what happens. I don't pretend to have an alternative so I can't bash it.
Obviously, for someone disabled, they go through all this, and then some. But again, choosing to enjoy life is really irrelevant.