The responses by many of you highlight a flawed understand of Judaism and Torah.
Exgingy sends me a hayom yom assuming I would care.. And that didn't answer nor address the question.. To quote Rabbi Eily Smith "you either believe in nevuah or you don't.
What silly stupid attacks.. My brother doesn't always agree with me but he doesn't bash me, he also requests my feedback for his publications.
in Paul Johnson history of the Jew's, he Puts daniel as a historian in the macabee era. Which spawned the comment above.
You need to get rid of your morally superior attitude, also just because you don't like someone's question is no license to bash them.
finally, this didn't question if question if the Torah was accurate about metzushelach life span, I merely said it didnt make sense that chaggai lived 600 years as per the rambam.