I signed up all my phones for travelpass but members of party intend to switch sim card in Israel. I want to be sure that won't be charged travelpass fee if using another sim car. Can someone confirm? Many thanks.
They can't charge you if you removed their sim
PSA - recently (or not so recently) verizon now throttles after 500mb per rolling 24 hour period. Just rent a local sim.
Think it has been a while, but it's still the most convenient option for a short trip especially if you are visiting a few countries on one trip
Or use Fi.
Sorry for my ignorance, what’s Fi?Just had the same issue while being in Israel and Verizon stopped working, I’m lucky I had offline google maps so I was able to get driving directions.
any updates to how Verizon Travel Pass works? They say no wifi calling - will be charged at international rates, so whatapp calling is out??
If I turn on airplane mode and on Wi-Fi will they still charge?
TravelPass just got much better. Still $10/day, but:-Now 2GB of 4G/5G data allowed per day, up from 0.5GB per day.-Now throttles to 3G speeds instead of 2G speeds if you exceed the daily allowance.For heavy data users, this can be cheaper than Fi now.