The vast majority of them are just as in it for the money.
אל תתיראי מן הפרושין ולא ממי שאינן פרושין, אלא מן הצבועים שדומים לפרושין; שמעשיהם מעשה זמרי ומבקשים שכר כפינחס
Its a morbidly embarrassing Chilul Hashem how these Kashrus Agencies treat proprietors who switch to a competing Kashrus. And yes, I know it firsthand.
The main reason Beis Yosef isn't up to par is that their Tzibbur isn't as Machmir and doesn't hold them to the same standard. (That includes R Ovadia's Psakim as opposed to mainstream Ashkenazi poskim, although not the main problem)
that's a pretty harsh statement. I don't know which most your referring too.
I suspect I have significantly more firsthand knowledge about Kashrus practices both in the US and Israel, and while there is, unfortunately, a lot of rif-raf amongst small and large agencies alike, that's still quite harsh.
. I think it's incorrect to say that most individuals are in it solely for the money.
Our agency, and many other communal agencies, lose money certifying food service establishments every day.
Believe it or not, we sit for the community.
For 18months of COVID our agency didn't charge a dollar for community food service mad even subsidized the pay for a working mashgichim (what's know in Israel as a ne'eman Kashrut).
Despite all the negativity, there's still some idealism out there.