The CRC has a good database on local Vaads in the US and pretty much everyone relies on it.
Where is the equivalent for Israel?
There are Israeli organizations who keep lists of the fully reputable hechserim but you won't like the list, at all.
The Americans are the ones the want it. It was tried and failed, they got too much backlash I believe.
The difference I believe is that Americans want to believe everything is good while israelis want to believe it's all bad.
How many people here actually researched the restaurants internationally when going on vacation? In Europe, Asia, Africa? From what I picked up in conversations I'd say an extremely small percentage. While charedi israelis will challenge the kashrus is a Rubin restaurant. Is that a bad mentality? Maybe, but that's not what we are discussing now.
I'd say the complicating cause is the people, on both sides of the spectrum and not the organizations themselves.
The average American has no idea specifically why he doesn't eat the hechserim that he doesn't eat besides for the fact that the CRC says so on their site. So how do you expect to take that lack of knowledge and somehow figure out what you eat in Israel when you don't know what standards you eat. Does the fact the rabbanim here can't tell you what's on the Kof-K standards in Israel make it complicated? Because it's a foreign country and there is no American committee paid and dedicated to spoon-feeding info you want to hear? Sit down with your local rabbi and come up with a list of your priorities and standards and I'll give you a list of hechserim that claim to follow those.