Alright, let's get a head count of who would be interested if we open it to 10:@mb1: 23@Moishebatchy: 21@Chaikel: 20@Drago: 18@sb5917: 18@as2: 18@ah: 17@rots5: 17@Yordai Dooma: 16@benjie1305: 15@shopfdder: 14 @D93: 14@YOSEF: 14@AJK 13@Chief Rabbi of New York: 13@DP7: 13@yandmk: 13@Welder: 13@lubaby: 12@upside down: 12@ShmuliT: 11@Geshmak25: 11@davidrotts63: 10@dudi: 10@EJB: 10@zagguru: 10@joe1234: 10@Chapshnell: 10@hvaces42: 10+ Other not in the wiki here:
No can do either (who has time to get away on a Sunday afternoon? especially when ALL the kids are home now )
(who has time to get away on a Sunday afternoon? especially when ALL the kids are home now )
Anyone who can get out for a 3 PM DO on a Sunday in the summer should get 25 HTs
Any Chabadnick who cannot make it today at 3pm in crown heights deserves to be stripped of his HTs
whats going on?Also I plan on ordering pastrami tonight for dinner so please save me some thanks!
Dan, you literally picked the worst Sunday for tons of Brooklynites.I'm in for when it changes to 1 HT, or to the one who gives the most likes.
Come if you can make it