Players are adults.Should be good with 2 players as well as more than 2. Hmm.
More information is needed. Would you prefer to compete in a non-antagonistic way,
to fight (or at least be able to attack each other in some way), or to work together?
How long do you like your games to be? Do you want a casual game, a game with
some measure of thought to it, or a seriously thinky game?
(You can get some ideas by watching the YouTube video "Top 10 Essential Games
Everyone Should Own!" by The Dice Tower [video HKgz-UBEhss]. Note, however,
that Sheriff... and Deception: Murder... involve lying, 7 Wonders, Smallworld,
Blood Rage, and Five Tribes have art you may not want in your home (in 7W's case,
mostly due to avodah zara), and Stone Age, well, depicts the supposed Stone Age.)