Personal experience with any of them ? I'm in the market
Me too
I was going to buy....
Leiter sukka someone piped up "What it's too expensive, Buy the traditional panel sukka for 3rd of the price, $30 panel",
I was going to buy the traditional panel sukka, someone piped up "What you're buying panels just buy quarter inch 4x8 plywood from home depot let them cut it in half with a few 2x3 for half price",
I was going to buy quarter inch 4x8 plywood from home depot someone piped up "Plywood they bend out of shape from rain and shine, build panels you better off, all you need is wood glue carpenter nails 2x2 and panels the way to go"
I was going to build sukka panels, I searched on ddf and
I built into a deck. I can tell you that the biggest cost is time and that you may be starting late already now.
And ushdadude built one 2 years ago and is still in the market, I'd rather pay three times the price then buing (cheep) every year.
So I'm totally confused..