If you answered yes to any of those, then
www.craftsandmore.com is the place for you.
Ok, so here is the deal, my wife works there so if you see something you need/want you can contact her for further details on placing an order. She can be reached at renah@craftsandmore.com. If you mention "dansdeals" and depending on the size of your order she will give you the best possible deal/ discount (which may be hard since they are one of, if not the cheapest places out there as it is). Either way, she will still hook you up with either free shipping or a discount on your order.
The full product catalog is available for download on their website.
mods hope this is ok and the right place to put it if not move if you delete it let me no thanks
thanks so much
P.S. this was written by me and corrected by my wife LOL LOL
this in no way is an official coupon code nor does this guarantee you a deal or discount she will do her very utmost to get you one