10 day(s) left
Offer Details
Earn $25 back when you spend $30 or more on your first month of service with Cricket Wireless.
Get 4 lines of Unlimited Data for $100/month* when you switch to Cricket Wireless.
Data speed limited to max of 3 Mbps. Video streaming at SD quality. Cricket may slow data speeds when the network is congested. Add'l fees, usage & restr's apply. See below for details.
Find a store near you or visit
www.cricketwireless.com to sign up.
Offer expires 9/12/2020. Offer valid one time only on a new line of wireless service. Payment must be made directly with the merchant. Your $25 back will be processed within 30 days after making your payment.
*See offer details. In-store activation fee $25/line.