Someone needs to create an app for this..Steve Jobs would famously say "There's an app for that""But, unfortunately in this case, there isn't..
but there is....
I don't know if there's such a system available at the moment but I came across a project on Kickstarter [ JPal ] that aims to automate this process.According to the developers people can create a minyan "on demand" and have users who plan on being in the area notified of the new minyan. The app tracks participants in real time and displays all the relevant information to potential participants.Here's a screenshot of the app:JPal APP - Minyan On Demand:I know that in the past there were some other websites that performed this functionality but they are no longer working at the moment.
Wow! That's really cool! I think the UI on that one needs to be brushed up a little..I did some more research and it looks like Steve Jobs was right - there is an app for it..I came across this post on StackExchange from several years ago:Does anyone know if this project ever came to fruition? Where can the app be downloaded?
Quotes in a signature is annoying, as it comes across as an independent post.
What’s the name of the above mentioned app?