Yes I did all that but the formula is this: =IF(LEN(G8)=0,"",IF(COUNTIF(Assignments[DUE DATE],DATE(MoYear,@MoMonthNum,G8))>0,"Assignment due!","")) so when it's true it's just showing Assignment due! , how do I get it to show the value of the corresponding date from the fist tab?
Lol, sorry - hadn't tested. In B7, replace the formula with:
=IF(LEN(B6)=0,"",IF(COUNTIF(Assignments[DUE DATE],DATE(MoYear,MoMonthNum,B6))>0,INDEX(Assignments[DESCRIPTION],MATCH(DATE(MoYear,MoMonthNum,B6),Assignments[DUE DATE],0)),""))
Then copy B7 and paste formula to B7:H7, and again for rows 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17.