There are many hotels close by to Dutch Wonderland. There is a Quality Inn right across from Dutch wonderland, this is a cheapish hotel and there are minyanim there during Bain Hazmanim. The Eden Resort Best Western is 5/10 minutes away it is a beautiful hotel and they have some larger suites which you can rent. There they also have miyanim during Bain Hazmanim. There are a lot of options.
There are many beautiful places you can go in the area. I’ll list some of them which my kids enjoyed.
Dutch Wonderland – great place for younger kids, you can buy discounted tickets by the kosher food stand.
Kreiders farm - excellent place, you actually see a modern farm where they milk the cows, cholov yisroel
Pennsylvania Rail road museum – my kids loved this, no admission for kids when I was there
Cherry crest farm – full day activities
Herr’s Potato chip factory – also a nice place about, not so close
Hershey’s chocolate factory
Drive around in the Amish areas