I think I can help. I went to Kivrei Tzadikim in Metz, Ramerupt and Troyes about 5 years ago. At the time I went, I did some research and at that time no one knew where exactly Rashi is buried. There is a place in Troyes where they think he my be buried and someone (the town??) has put up a memorial there but there is no confirmation that he is buried there.
About a 20 minute drive from Troyes is Ramerupt, where there is evidence/a tradition that the Baal'i Tosfos lived and were buried there. There is a small house with a courtyard where supposedly the Rashbam, Ri, Tosofoes Ri HaZakan, and the Rivah are buried. There are maztoivis with their names on it, and from the research I did before I went it seemed to be accurate that they are buried there.
Metz is IIRC about a 2 hours drive from Ramerupt/Troyes and I believe the Shagas Aryeh and other tzadikim are buried there. Not 100% sure of that though.
I'm going to try to post some pics of Rashi's memorial in Troyes and of Ramerupt. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for your response! the issue I'm having is finding a source that Rashi is buried in troyes and Balei Tosfes in Ramperupt. Wikipedia and Rabbi Gabai claim that Seder hadores mentiones that Rashi is buried in Troyes, but the problem is when I look up Rashi's name Seder hadores writes that Rashi is buried in Prague.
I think the point is that the exact location is not known.
I am not concerned with the exact exact location, Rashbi in Meron is buried in a cave under the Ohel Rashbi, but no one knows exactly where.
Being at the approximate area is fine with me too