I believe this happens when someone posts there, and then deletes the post. It thinks it's unread, but in actuality, the unread post was deleted.
This is a very special deal in DD's history, anyone know why?
First deal on the new site?
Winner winner chicken dinner Nicely done.
What did I win?Do I get a free pack of floss?
Most posts by one member in one day?
Do posts in JS count for this?
All posts count.
What happened on May 09, 2017 at 03:01:24 PM?
Other than most people being on DDF then? Or you're asking why were so many people on DDF then?
that was because of the Amazon Walmart fight!
You can't be a DDFer and not remember this!
Not as active as I used to be.
The MS was going mad for a while. My phone was buzzing constantly.