DW is an OT student, here is what she says:
Numbness from Carpal Tunnel would be on the palm side of your thumb, index, middle and half of ring finger. Symptoms usually worse at night. It would be a good idea to get it checked out by an OT to make sure it's not something else (need a referral from Dr. first. The same nerve can be impinged higher up, needing different treatment. You can do self tests: phalen's test and Tinel's test.
For home management of CT:
- Splint: splint to keep the wrist in neutral (bent back slightly- remember this when using keyboard too). Best if fabricated for your hand (done by OT), the classic splints sold may not work for your hand.
- Avoid repetitive strain, vibration or tightening of the hand
- Median nerve glides (image attached)
- heat pack to relax the area
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