There's a certain image I've wanted to take for many years: a great white egret in full breeding plumage, displaying in front of a dark background. Conditions had never worked out, but I knew that today the stars were aligned: the egrets were in full mating dress, and there were a ton of them around - now all I needed was a bit of luck.
Until I eventually found a solitary egret off on a tree, perfectly lit up but with the background in the shade - exactly the conditions I wanted! So I parked myself in front of him and waited. And waited, and waited.
Until suddenly out came a female, up came the feathers, and click went my camera:
I realize your post is from years ago, but I happened to scroll back up to it when this thread just got active again.
Saw a bunch of these smack in the middle of downtown Olrando last month. There's a big rock just off the edge of Lake Eola with some bushes/trees and tons of roosting birds. Photo is from my phone, while on a moving swan boat.

Birds I for sure ID'd include Great White Egrets, Cattle Egrets, Anhingas, Black Swans, Mute Swans, a Great Blue Heron, Muscovy Ducks, Graylag Geese, Common Gallinules, White Ibises and more. A other duck/goose/swan species at the very least hang around there as well.